Scams, frauds and phishing are on the rise with an estimated $569 M lost to fraud in 2023. It can happen to anyone, so it is important to stay up to date on the latest scams to spread the knowledge to protect you and your loved ones from being the victims of a crime.
On June 3rd, the Goderich Legion Branch 109 brought in an OPP officer, Craig Soldam to provide a fraud talk. This presentation is the result of a collaborative effort between the Goderich Legion and Gateway Centre of Excellence in Rural Health known as Legion Learning. This project is made possible through the TD Ready Commitment Connected Communities Fund and the New Horizons for Seniors Program funding, and the dedicated work of Gateway CERH's research assistants.
This project is centred on offering information to older adults in rural communities by providing the opportunity and space to develop skills for navigating online spaces and technology.
The Goderich Legion plans to organize future presentations that range from basic technology support and online banking. Follow Gateway CERH or the Goderich Legion to stay alert to upcoming presentations.
For more information on common scam, you can refer to Season 3, Episode 9 of Gateway CERH’s Virtual Lecture series:
About Gateway Centre of Excellence in Rural Health
Founded in 2008 in the community of Seaforth, ON, Gateway CERH is a not-for-profit rural health research organization run by a community-based volunteer board of directors. Gateway CERH's main mission is to better the health and quality of life of rural residents through research, education and communication. Learn more on the Gateway CERH website at: https://www.gatewayruralhealth.ca/ and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube