The Gateway CERH team was working behind the scenes to make the SHED (Sustaining Healthy farm though Empowerment and Dedication) Talks event successful which included board members, volunteers and research assistants at Gateway CERH. Here are some of the behind-the-scenes photos from the event.
(l. to r. Alexa, Gwen, Katie, Jordan (above), Amy, Sage)
(top l. to r. Sage, Alexa, Jordan; bottom l. to r. Katie, Amy)
Some of our team members were a bit more in the spotlight.
(Becky Higgs, registered psychotherapist)
(Gateway CERH President, Gwen Devereaux)
A special thank you to Alexa Harrison, Research Assistant at Gateway CERH and Social Work student, for helping coordinate this event.
(Alexa Harrison, research assistant, with Warden of the County of Huron, Glen McNeil)
Learn more about the SHED Talks Event: