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Virtual Lecture Series Update

Gateway CERH is excited to announce that, to reflect the increasing library of lectures over the past four years, lectures will be identified by “season and episode.” Since 2021, the first Tuesday of every month (with some exceptions), Gateway CERH has hosted a speaker via Zoom, accompanied by panelists, to discuss a relevant rural health topic. These topics have ranged from conversations on the implications of artificial intelligence, to vaccine confidences, to substance use within rural communities.  

The speakers have included university professors, town councilors, not-for-profit members, social workers, doctors, students, and more. During these lectures, Gateway CERH invites the audience to pose queries to both speakers and panelists. This format facilitates an open discussion between community members and experts.  

The upcoming Lecture 31 will be known as Season 4, Episode 6 (S04E06). The topic for this lecture is “Enhancing Emergency Management in Rural Northern Ontario: Learning from COVID-19", presented by PhD Candidate, Amanda Mongeon.  This lecture will take place on Tuesday, February 6th, 2024, from 12 – 1 PM EST via Zoom. Joining her are panelists Wendy Brunetta, Fort Frances Councilor, Karrie Lepoudre and Adam Zuback from the Canadian Red Cross.  

If interested in the lecture or in future lectures, it is free for YOU to sign up and participate. The library of past lectures is publicly available on YouTube for anyone to explore if you missed a past lecture or want to rewatch a favourite discussion.  

To look at the lecture library, upcoming lecture and to sign up to attend, explore the new lecture webpage now:

To watch the past lecture, head to the Gateway CERH YouTube channel linked here:

Gateway CERH hopes to see you soon!  

As a brief disclaimer on these lectures, Gateway CERH believes in providing a platform for a range of perspectives and thoughtful discussion; however, the views expressed in a lecture may not necessarily reflect Gateway CERH’s views or opinions. 

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